For many immigrants and refugees, adapting to a new lifestyle can be extremely difficult. However, there are always people available to help. If you’ve arrived in America without a social security number, it will most likely be difficult to obtain a credit card. However, you can apply for a credit card without ssn, this simple step could make a massive difference to your life. Getting a credit card can open many doors for immigrants and refugees, some of these include increasing your chances of taking out a loan or getting a mortgage. However, for help with any issues, there will be people to call. Here are some important numbers that might be worth keeping in mind.

Family Violence Prevention Fund

383 Rhode Island St., Suite 304
San Francisco CA 94103-5133
(415) 252-8900
FVPF helps abused immigrant women to get information about their rights and options and to find referrals to programs in their area.

NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund Immigrant Women’s Project

1522 K St., NW, Suite 550
Washington DC 20005
(202) 26-0040

National Lawyers Guild

National Immigration Project
14 Beacon St., Suite 602
Boston MA 02108
(617) 227-9727

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